12. Traveling While Working and Coaching with Diana Davis

In this episode, Tia and Anna sit down with Diana Davis, a former photographer and graphic designer turned business coach who is currently nomadic traveling the world! We’re talking all things that go into pivoting as a freelancer, making it work as a digital nomad, and growing our businesses at different levels. Visit the show notes at https://www.fortheloveoffreelance.com/episodes and write in to us at hello@freelancingfemales.com Shop pre-made templates for your business at thefreelance.shop and post your first job for free with us at jobs.freelancingfemales.com with code: FIRSTJOBFREE

Meet our Interviewees:

Diana Davis is a business coach that empowers creative entrepreneurs to ditch the hustle, land their dream clients, and scale to new heights. Formally a photographer and graphic designer in NYC, she's out to debunk the idea of the "starving artist" and the idea that you have to have a traditional job to make the money you want and have the life you desire. If you really know her, you know she’s a good mix of woo woo and realistic, is a Gemini to the max, and is currently nomadic traveling the world!​​​​​​​​​


13. Pursuing Your Creative Passions with Arielle Estoria


11. Healthcare with the Alice Clinic