6. Money Making Pep Talk

Welcome to Episode 6 of For the Love of Freelance: Money Making Pep Talk with Meggie Palmer!

Who could use a PEP TALK right about now? In this episode, we talk with bubbly Australian tech entrepreneur and ex-journalist Meggie Palmer about how confidence is the key to closing the gender pay gap. You will be vibrating with positivity by the end of this fun convo.

Listen in on the chat between Meggie and your co-hosts Tia Meghan Grado and Lisa Ann (LAMARKS) Markuson as we share our secrets (and foibles) on the path to sustainable freelance success.

And BONUS! Our friend Paco DeLeon, founder of bookkeeping company The Hell Yeah Group, joins the show to answer real money questions from the Freelancing Females community. Her new book, Finance for the People, dropped Feb 1st. Order the book from our Bookshop!

Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or wine) and let us answer all your questions about how to live the most profitable, bountiful, financially empowered year of all of our lives.

Learn more about The Year of Money: https://theyearofmoney.co/

Follow us on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/fortheloveoffreelance/

And don't forget to sign up for our new weekly freelance job opps right on your phone via our Norby starting March 1st! https://freelancingfemales.norby.live

Join us for PepTalkHer's free 5 day challenge starting today too! www.peptalkher.com/freelancingfemales


7. What the heck is an NFT?!


5. AMA with Tia and LA!